Friday, January 14, 2011

Indestructible Dog Toys

Why do dogs need indestructible dog toys?

Well, the first reason we need our best friends to have chew toys is simple.

To stop them chewing our stuff!

Dogs will chew on our most prized possessions, simply because they love us and often our most prized possessions carry our scent. So that's the reason your socks go missing!

Maybe as important is that these toys help puppies in their maturation into adulthood, helps adult dogs bond with their "owners" and helps older dogs keep that little bit fitter.

And why do we need them to be indestructible?

Have you seen a dog's teeth close up?

It's a well know fact that dogs chew when they're bored. Helping them rid themselves of excess energy prevents them from becoming bored and chewing on your leather couch.

There are various types of dog toys you can get. Canine entertainment is a specialist business!

Toys For Puppies

You might think that puppies are just being naughty when they chew anything and everything, but that's not always the case. Just like human infants, puppies experience discomfort and even pain when they're teething. Indestructible dog toys can really help alleviate those feelings. Keep an eye out for specific toys for your new puppy!

Chew Toys

Adolescent and older dogs still need something to chew on. Giving them something to take our their gnawing instinct on can save you $$$$ in replacing other more expensive items from your household.

Play Toys

Playing with your dog strengthens the bond between hound and "master". Let's face it, you can just grab a tennis ball and play 'fetch', get a length of rope and have a tug-o-war with your faithful friend or let him/her chase squirrels in the park. Alternatively you can buy something specifically made for the job, because that tennis ball won't last 5 minutes, the rope will fray and snap, and the squirrels? Well, either Fido gets a scratched nose or you'll have some explaining to do when he/she brings back a lifeless acorn hoarder.

Reward Toys

Sometimes it's just nice to give your dog a treat. Some toys are designed to be easily worn down and contain a treat within.

Dogs become part of the family as soon as we adopt them. Dog toys enrich these special relationships and help safeguard your furniture. Indestructible dog toys are better yet.

We all love our dogs and want the best for them. Train them well and they will reward you with faithfullness and joy.